June 13th, 3:35 PM
odometer 1152.7 start 1096.2
I spent the night in Patrick's Point State Park in a grove of white firs. I had gotten somewhat sunburned over the first several days of the trip so I got some Sea and Ski a couple days ago. Worked real well - haven't seen the sun since! Think I'm just about out of Redwood Country which is rather fortunate, as trying to share a narrow 2 lane road with the logging trucks is a real hassle - turns out bicycles generally lose. One really big hill today - about 2500 - 3000 feet I estimate. (The hill I mentioned a couple of days ago was just about 2000 feet.) I checked it on some topos at an outdoors store called the Arcata Transit Authority, where I also got some Adidas cycling shoes. The cleats are a little farther back than they should, but quite acceptable so I won't complain.
I'm going to skip getting up to Crater Lake, as I don't think it's worth all the uphill to see. Instead I'll follow Rt. 101 along the Oregon coast. Now if I can only find a gas station with an Oregon map ... How about one with height contours? Would be nice.
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Written 2024 June 5, last updated 2024 June 5.